Pesona Square Depok is a mall situated in Depok, Indonesia, next to a river and surrounded with bamboo trees all around the site. The exterior lighting creates and enhance mall identity. Festive of bamboo lighting concept was chosen to give visitors visual attraction and enhance bamboo existence in mall façade while responding to the context of the surrounding environment. Using several lighting method, the concept can be applied and transform into mall identity at night. The landscape lighting also supports the exterior lighting concept, creating warm ambience through the trees and the other landscape features lighting.
Inside, a comfortable and exciting ambience will make people enjoy the experience and stay longer. Lighting controls are the perfect way to set the right lighting mood that encourages customers to feel relaxed and carry on browsing through the merchandise. A high flexibility and wide range color schemes are provided as the atrium needs to enhance some thematic event.
Project Facts
Location: West Java, INDONESIA
Service: Special Lighting
Year: 2017