Malang, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Malang (UNISMA) is a private university founded by public figures and Islamic Scholars of Nahdlatul Ulama in Malang
The façade design of this campus building was designed by using High-Performance Solar Control Low-E Glass 6 mm Panasap green. As the result, the Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) calculation results are 40.45 watts/m2 which is under the SNI baseline, and 51.55% net lettable area with a minimum of 300 lux of natural light intensity.
Building cooling system uses, Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Air-Cooled system, The lighting uses energy-saving LED lights with Lighting Power Density 2.16 watt/m2. High-performance elevators with a regenerative-drive system reduces the building’s energy use. Zero runoff rainwater rainfall is applied as an effort to control floods.
Water savings reach 88.73% compared to baseline. Water savings are obtained by the use of water-efficiency sanitary ware as much as 71.61 % of the total sanitary ware units, and by recycling condensate & rainwater as alternative clean water resources. Condensate and rainwater are treated at the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), then recycling water is used for toilet flushing and landscape irrigation.
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