WINI Cross-Border Post
East Nusa Tenggara. INDONESIA
A border checkpoint is a place, generally between two countries, where travelers or goods are inspected (Wikipedia). Wini is a district located in between East Nusa Tenggara and Timor Leste . In the second phase of the Wini masterplan, it consists of several areas namely the Wisma Area ( consist of Wisma Indonesia, dormitory, couple house, mosque, tennis court, and multi purpose building),
Wini beach area (consist of rest area and boti house park), and Wini market area (consist of canteen, atm center, and traditional market). The building concept combines the local culture and modern building forms. The application of the concept produces a building that has a tropical and warm image. Some of Nusa tenggara authentic woven fabric pattern is applied in both of interior and exterior of the building in order to emphasize the local culture concept.
Project Facts
Service: Architecture Design
Year: 2016