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Surakarta, Indonesia

Located in the middle of Surakarta City, near main road and railroad, this Grand Mosque needs a special analysis and treatment on how to establish a tranquility for prayer activity.

Noise Mapping

Mapping with sources are whistle train 90 dB ; Medium traffic 75dB; Intersection 90dB.

Room Acoustic Design

For mosque design, we are focused on speech intelligibility and clarity. The reverberation time for receiver in the middle of room is around 1.25 s. The clarity for speech (C50) is around 0.7 dB in entire room, and the clarity for music (C80) is around 3.3 dB in entire room

Sound System Design

Sound pressure mapping in main prayer area is around 97 dB until 103.3 dB, and speech Transmission Index (STI) mapping in main prayer area is around 0.67 until 0.8 dB.

Project Information

14.4 SHEIKH ZAYED AC BANNER (FILEminimizer).jpg

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